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Writer's pictureDonna Rishton-Potter

A newslettery kind of blog

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Hello dear reader! I’m so happy you’ve stumbled upon my newish blog page - I say newish because although new in cyber space, this funny little page for my words has been part of my psyche for many years now. In fact, I confess there is another blog page with my name on it floating about somewhere out there (*she waves her hand into the yonder*) - one that started with gusto and bravery and then stopped… because… I got cold feet, I doubted, I overthought, I fought, and then like most creatives, I procrastinated the whole thing awwwaaayyyy… Sorry little blog, you were my practice go (kinda like my first ‘boyfriend’ Simon in grade 7 who I never actually spoke to apart from the occasional note passed via my bestie Terri). Yup, a little like that. ‘The free trial’ as my daughters and I always say when we fail at first attempts (P’s test included).

But, as is the way of these things, we do tend to avoid those difficult things - the things we know deeeep down that we must to do (editor’s note: that’s a lot of things in one sentence Donna!) - and we replace them with a gazillion other diversions: chocolate, a load of washing, drinking 8 glasses of water and watering my plant babies while I’m at it, did I mention chocolate, heck, even cleaning the toilet suddenly becomes a thing to do before we are eventually, inevitably, directed back full circle by the dear universe herself. About that blog Donna… (*universe taps fingers*)

If only, like the brilliant Maggie MacKellar, I had a ‘Sit Spot’ to do my writing - a beautiful Tasmanian farmhouse, or shack by a lake where I could gaze with my binoculars upon the lush birdlife - yes, that would do nicely methinks. What could possibly distract me there (best not ponder that for too long). Instead, I have my dining table or my bed - I rarely use my office desk as the window faces directly into the yard of my little doggy neighbour named Rosie, who has a predilection for yapping at the post lady and the tradies and the butterflies and any goddamned thing really - which is fine (the dining table, not Rosie’s incessant barking) when I’m working for a client on a deadline, but when it comes to giving myself the time to do the thing a writer must do… well I’d rather imagine myself in a little shack by the ocean, listening to the waves, smelling the salty air, productively tap, tap, tapping away. That’s a much more writery place to write!

In truth, allowing myself the time and space to write my own words has always seemed a little, well, self-indulgent. Instead, I annoy my friends by making them read my ‘first pages’ and by whinging about how I want to write, am compelled to write but have no time to write - Gah, sorry friends! I figure now, seeing as I’m 50 in a few months, I can finally give myself permission to do this one thing -

The pure and simple fact is that I have, for as long as I can ever remember, been interested in stories. I love stories, I love letting myself fall into a story, letting it become a part of me and I it. I love to be moved by a story, to feel something in my body - I was once an actress so I quite literally embodied stories – and I marvel that simple words can do this. I love to hear people’s stories - what makes you you, what event changed you, what love broke you, what person, place or thing has made you a better human. You could say I’m passionate about stories; especially women’s stories - nothing wrong with the men in our lives but honestly (as a devoted feminist who feels on a cellular level that we must push for the progression of women’s, trans + non-binary folks’ stories on this planet) haven’t we heard enough stories written by men, about men and for men - F#*% that! Let us tell our own stories, own our own stories, and rewrite the stories that have been told about us - yes indeed!

So… finally dear friends, what then to expect from this little blog page? I can tell you what not to expect - a blog about ‘Why you should proofread your posts’ or ‘the Ten Reasons why Content Matters’ - Nup, plenty of blogs for that! I can write one of those for your website if you wish, but here friends, here in - THE BOOK OF EVE - is our story space. A space where I can create a regular writing practice, a space to muse and put my thoughts on a page, and hopefully, if you’ll join me, a space your story can be heard too.

In future, I promise I’ll try and keep my blogs, bloggy and my newsletters (once I get on a roll watch out!) well, newsy… ‘til then, this is a newslettery, wordsy kind of blog inviting you to join me and, if you’re brave, to share a story with me about you too! 🧡✍🏻

*All story requests, suggestions or submissions can be sent to my email with STORY SUBMISSION in the subject line.

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